Ernest Pender, President


Licenses & Certifications

Arkansas Driller
Arkansas Pump Installer
Arkansas General Contractor
Arkansas Water Well Contractor
Texas Master Driller
Texas Master Pump Installer
Tennessee Driller
Tennessee Pump Installer
Tennessee Water Treatment
Tennessee General Contractor
Louisiana Water Well Contractor
Oklahoma Drilling/Pump Contractor
National Ground Water Association Certified

Ernest grew up on the back of a drilling rig.  He started going to work with this father, Bill Pender, at the age of five.  He official joined the company in 1973 and took over when his dad retired in 1992.  Ernest has personally drilled thousands of water wells and supervised the drilling of many more.  He has participated in the National Groundwater Association certification program for over forty years and is one of only sixty seven Certified Master Ground Water Contractors worldwide.  In 2003, Ernest served as the President of the National Ground Water Association, which has 10,250 members, and is currently an active member.  He was appointed to the Arkansas Water Well Construction Commission by Governor Mike Huckabee, and has been reappointed by every Governor since.  He is currently serving his fourth five year term.

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